
Showing posts from July, 2017

Grecian Green Beans Recipe

Grecian Green Beans INGREDIENTS ·        500g of green beans ·        500g of potatoes ·        50g of seedless raisins ·        50g of raw peeled almonds ·        3 garlic cloves ·        4 tablespoons of olive oil ·        Mashed potatoes PREPARATION 1.     Peel, wash, and chop the potatoes 2.     Cut off the tips and threads of the green beans. Chop them 3.     Boil the green beans and the potatoes in plenty of water for 20 minutes. Drain 4.     Heat the oil in the frying pan, and sauté the garlic, almonds and raisins. Add the potatoes and green beans and cook for an additional 20 minutes 5.     Serve hot.   Recent Posts: Mexican Salad Tropical Fruit Salad Banana Cream Celery Pie

Vegetable Rice Recipe

Vegetable Rice INGREDIENTS ·        350g of whole grain rice ·        1 eggplant ·        1 baked red pepper ·        1 tomato ·        2 garlic cloves ·        750ml of vegetable broth ·        8 tablespoons of olive oil ·        Sea salt PREPARATION 1.     Soak the rice in cold water overnight or in hot water for one hour 2.     Wash and chop the eggplant 3.     Peel the red pepper and cut into strips. 4.     Wash and crush the tomato. 5.     Peel and chop the garlic. 6.     Heat the oil in large, flat frying pan and the eggplant 7.     Add the tomato after a few minutes and stir for two more minutes. Add the rice once it has been rinsed 8.     Keep stirring and add the boiling broth. Recent Posts: Grecian Green Beans Banana Cream Tropical fruit Salad

Mexican Salad Recipe

   Mexican Salad INGREDIENTS ·        200 g of tender sweet corn ·        1 red pepper ·        1 green pepper ·        2 carrots ·        2 tomatoes ·        1 cucumber ·        1 head of lettuce ·        100 g peas ·        100 g green and black olives ·        Parsley ·        The juice of half of a lemon ·        4 tablespoons of olive oil ·        Sea salt PREPARATION 1.     Wash, peel, and chop the carrots and the cucumbers 2.     Wash, remove the seeds, and chop the peppers in strips 3.     Wash and chop the tomatoes 4.     Wash the lettuce and set aside as whole leaves 5.     Wash and chop the parsley 6.     Boil peas in the water and let them cool 7.     Arrange all ingredients on each dish and sprinkle with salt

Potato Casserole Recipe

       Potato casserole INGREDIENTS ·        1 kg of potatoes ·        2 onions ·        4 cloves of garlic ·        50g of green and black olives ·        250ml of vegetable stock(without salt) PREPARATION 1.     Peel, wash, and cut the potatoes and the onions in round slices 2.     Peel the garlic and chop the parsley; mash in a mortar along with salt 3.     Add the mashed garlic and the parsley to the oil and the vegetable stock to form the sauce 4.     Place the potatoes and onions in layers in an oven dish and pour the sauce over them 5.     Cover with a lid and bake at 180 0 C until tender. Recent Posts: Vegetable Rice Celery Pie Banana Cream

Banana cream

Banana cream recipe      INGREDIENTS ·        1 plantain ·        750ml of skimmed milk ·        2 level tablespoons of brown sugar ·        750ml of water PREPARATION 1.     Peel the banana making sure no part of the peel remains 2.     Cut the banana into chunks 3.     Put the milk, water, sugar, and banana into a tall container and mix with the hand-held mixer. 4.     Put the mixture into a pot and cook on a low fire for 10-15 minutes, stir constantly with the wooden spoon so that it does not stick 5.     Serve hot in soup bowls. Recent Posts: Tropical Fruit Salad Spring Salad Cereal Soup

Tropical Fruit Salad Recipe

Tropical Fruit Salad INGREDIENTS ·        2 Small pineapple ·        2 kiwis ·        1 mango ·        1 avocado ·        2 cherimoyas ·        1 banana ·        1 small papaya PREPARATION 1.     Cut each pineapple in half lengthwise. Empty out the fruit, discard the hard central part and chop up the rest. Keep the juice obtained through this process 2.     Peel and chop the banana and the kiwis (soak the banana in the pineapple juice to keep it from becoming brown) 3.     Peel the avocado and the mango and remove the central seed; chop both 4.     Cut the papaya in half, empty out the seed, peel, and chop into pieces 5.     Cut the cherimoyas in half; empty out the pulp with a spoon. Put the pulp through a sieve that does not allow the seeds to pass. 6.     Mix all the chopped fruits in a bowl and fill the empty pineapples with the mixture Recent Posts: Vegetable Rice Celery Pie Mexican Salad